About me
Susan Ferroni-Keleher
My first sheltie was a tri color girl that I acquired for the price of the $6.00
transfer fee - over 35 years ago. Her name was Mar-d's Midnite Majic of Randa
and she was sired by Ch. Tentagel's Mr. President. At least that was
what it said on her registration paper. I didn't understand what the Ch.
stood for and thought it was a strange way to start a dog's name.
To find out more about her, I tracked down her
breeder and she sent me to Doris Bronson of Pixieland Shelties. Doris had
some sage advise for me right from the get-go;
"If you ever think you
know everything about shelties, dog breeding or showing, then you are
wrong. There is always some to learn." Doris was the wonderful
and knowledgeable person that introduced me to the world of shelties and dog
I have since bred and owned many champions and performance titled
shelties and have been particularly privileged to own:
Am Can CH Rosewood Tory V Chateau Acre
my first Group One and Multiple Specialty winner
CH Barwoods Legal Tender
Register of Merit
BISS CH Winterset It Happened One Night
Century Club
2003 National
Specialty Award of Merit
Eukanuba National Show Best Bred-By Exhibitor
BIS & BISS GCH Winterset Hy-Verta A Crowd Roars
Multiple Best in Show and Best in Specialty Show
BIS / BISS GCH Mindalyn-Winterset Sunrunner
multiple Best in Show winner
CH Winterset Hy-Verta Razzle Dazzle CDX HT OA OAJ VCX
ASSA Versatility
In recent years, I have partnered with Pam Strametz of
Hy-Verta Shelties in the Monterey
Bay area of California. Pam's
expertise as a trainer has been invaluable in putting all
the performance titles on our dogs and getting the youngsters
started for the conformation ring. I continue to enjoy the
conformation ring, and love showing the dogs myself when they arrive in
I feel our breed should, if called upon, be
able to mentally and physically perform the job for which it was
originally bred. They may never see sheep in the average home, but they
should still exhibit the qualities that make herding possible. I
endeavor to breed a dog who is an all around package, correct in conformation
with the ability to perform. Hopefully, not
sacrificing one for the other.
I enjoy my shelties and hope to continue trying to improve with several
young hopefuls.
A new chapter in my life started in 2012 when I received my judging license for Shetland Sheepdogs. It has so far been a wonderful experience. The opportunity to have hands on with many Shelties from around the country has been an added delight. So thank you to the exhibitors.